What is a Cuddle Cot?
Flexmort is the manufacturer of the CuddleCot which has been internationally recognized across the world as significantly helping parents who suffer the loss of a baby. Dealing with the death of a baby is clearly an incredibly difficult event for parents and bereaved parents should be given the option of spending Time with their baby. Providing families time through the use of the CuddleCot is internationally encouraged by midwives, bereavement practitioners, still birth/neonatal charities, and academics. Time allows the family to form an important bond with their baby; whether changing a nappy, dressing the baby, taking photographs or simply just staying close and this unquestionably helps families in dealing with their loss. The problem is that in a warm room the baby’s condition can deteriorate quickly, therefore cooling the baby is absolutely essential. Transferring to and from the morgue is now widely regarded as an outdated practice as it is traumatic for parents to repeatedly go through the separation process whereas the CuddleCot allows the family to spend every moment with their baby, precious moments where every minute counts.
How does the CuddleCotâ„¢ help?
The CuddleCotâ„¢ system cools the baby in situ allowing the baby to remain with the family thereby providing the family time they want. The CuddleCotâ„¢ cooling pad is placed in any moses basket, crib, pram or bed; it is connected by a specially insulated hose and is quietly cooled using the CuddleCotâ„¢ cooling unit. The CuddleCotâ„¢ system comes in its own carry case with different size cooling pads for premature and full term babies.
The benefits of using the Flexmort CuddleCot™ system in helping a family deal with bereavement are widely accepted across the globe and the system is in worldwide use across maternity departments and children’s hospices e.g United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the US. The CuddleCot™ meets the rigorous hospital equipment applicable standards for use within hospital environments across the world (including UL 61010-1:2012 CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-1-12) and our UK premises are inspected regularly by the relevant organizations who issue certification/approvals. The CuddleCot has also passed rigorous hospital infection control standards on all aspects of the equipment and the CuddleCot is also designed to reduce the risks of microbial growth within the system.
Internationally Recognized
The CuddleCot has been featured on numerous news programmes across the world. The CuddleCot has also been featured in numerous newspapers e.g. the UK’s The Daily Mail and also mentioned in an interview with the the New York Times. There have been numerous radio interviews regarding the experience of bereaved families using the CuddleCot, including CBC News (Edmonton, Canada) including the parents of Lera Grace Kiers (Jan 2015).
Taken directly from the Flexmort website at: http://flexmort.com/cuddle-cots/

What is a Caring Cradle?
The Caring Cradle is a device that allows a dignified means for parents and families to spend more time with a baby who has passed.
This support tool is for any family whose baby has died. In the past families were limited to morgue visits, packing a infant in ice, turning the temperature down in rooms and other antiquated means born out of necessity. Comfort Innovations is dedicated to providing families with a tool to allow an appropriate atmosphere to say goodbye to their baby.
Comfort Innovations, LLC has crafted a new unit that will give families additional time with their child. The Caring Cradle is an all inclusive unit with continuous operation and low energy consumption. This unit maintains 47 degrees Fahrenheit consistently and has a US Standard Cord with international adapter. The unit is constructed for easy sanitation and no harmful chemicals are needed to operate (environmentally sage coolant is used). The unit comes with an 18 month manufacturer warranty and is competitively priced with a discount available for those organizations who are 501(c)(3) certified.
The best part? It is designed and manufactured right here in the
United States of America
Taken directly from the Caring Cralde website at: www.caringcradle.com